Kara Marni interview: 

"You grew up on old school greats such as MinnieRiperton, Diana Ross, and Lauryn Hill. How would youdescribe your music and how does their sound influencethe music you create?

I’d describe it as soulful R&B with sprinklings of pop. Idefinitely think the soulfulness comes from listening tothose incredible, big, female voices and the touch of popis the fusing of those older influences with the now. I liketo think it’s my modern stamp on it.

How hard was the decision to drop out of BRIT school to pursue your career professionally, not having a ‘backup plan’?

"It came quite organically. I met my management and waswriting lots out of school. It seemed a natural step to takeas I wanted to be doing it full time.

I’ve never really had a ‘back up plan’ because this is theonly plan I intend on having. Although I know I don’t havecontrol over my future, as long as I’m doing music I’ll beokay. 

Read the full interview in the latest copy of WAVE Mag (2019)

THIIIRD Magazine

Wavy The Creator interview: 

Although being a musician was never a planned career, Wavy’s creativity couldn’t be confined to the visual arts and she soon found herself in the studio where she discovered her natural flair for songwriting. Since recording her first tracks ‘Stay’ and ‘H.I.G.H’, Wavy has been perfecting her craft, her style and her sound. She has worked Nigerian Hip-Hop heavyweight, Olamide, but has since moved to Ghana where she currently resides and creates.

Just like her music – Wavy doesn’t define herself as an ‘Afrobeats’ artist – Wavy’s fashion style is a breath of fresh air. It’s androgynous, colorful, with a little Afro futurism thrown in there too. Are the core of her work and style, she strives to be unique and honest, drawing inspiration from the people around her, her surroundings, and all of her experiences. Sitting at the forefront of the wave of new-skool sounds coming out of Africa, we sit down with Wavy to understand how she’s changing the game.

Read the full interview in the latest copy of THIIIRD Magazine

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